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Atta Ettaga - Lyrical Song In Telugu| Sagileti Katha | Jaswanth Pasupuleti | Rajasekhar Sudmoon

Atta Ettaga Puttesinaavu song lyrics penned by Jaswanth Pasupuleti, Rajasekhar Sudmoon, music composed by Jaswanth Pasupuleti, and sung by Yashwanth Nag from the movie Sagileti Katha.

Atta Ettaga Puttesinaavu song lyrics
Song NameAtta Ettaga Puttesinaavu
SingerYashwanth Nag
Music Jaswanth Pasupuleti
LyricstJaswanth Pasupuleti, Rajasekhar Sudmoon
Movie Sagileti Katha

Atta Ettaga Puttesinaavu Song lyrics

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This Atta Ettaga Puttesinaavu song is from this Sagileti Katha movie.

Yashwanth Nag is the singer of this Atta Ettaga Puttesinaavu song.

This Atta Ettaga Puttesinaavu Song lyrics is penned by Jaswanth Pasupuleti, Rajasekhar Sudmoon.

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